This free online course could be of great interest to many of us concerned about building a better world that is just, in harmony with our planet and sustainable. In addition to being of benefit to individual participants, the course is designed to be a tool to help local and issue based networks to use in furthering their own work. Self-organized weekly discussion groups are one component of the course approach, though people can also just participate individually.

The course is offered by Synergia, an international network that exists to provide education in support of promoting convergence between the commons, co-operative, social solidarity economy and sustainability movements.

The course is entitled Towards Co-operative CommonWealth: Transition in a Perilous Century. It will consist of 8 modules offered over two 4-week periods. The first period starts on March 25. With a break between, the second 4-week period will start on May 20. The 8 modules that make up the course are as follows:

1. Framing the Journey: Capitalism, Planetary Limits & The Struggle to Restore & Share our Common Wealth
2. Stewarding Land & Resources for the Common Good
3. Ecological Resilience & a Just Food System
4. Precarious Livelihoods: Pathways to Solidarity
5. Democratizing Social Care: From Welfare State to Caring Society
6. Democratic Ownership: Pathways to a Resilient Energy Future
7. Democratic Financing Solutions for the Great Transition
8. Synthesis: Building the Politics for Systems Change

The course is entirely free, other than your time commitment. Those who complete the course will receive a completion certificate.

For further information, go to:…/towards-co-operative-commo…/

To sign-up for the course, go to:…/transition-cooperative-commonwealth

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